I chose the subject of advice, which is very much like a personal essay because nineteen of my students just graduated from high school. Though I may have missed out on gauging reading comprehension, the students seemed relaxed enough to show a little of their personalities. Some were actually enjoyable to read, especially the one entitled "I plan to graduate sober and without an STD."
During classtime, and because I really want to create an atmosphere of relaxed encouragement (perhaps I'm being too much of a hippie here), I had the students get into groups of twos and present each side of an argument. My topics included
- Chris Brown & Rhianna: will he beat her again?
- Michael Jackson: king of pop or pedophile we're better off forgetting?
- Iraq: should we stay or should we go?
- Health Care: burden of the state or of the people?
I'm going to show the follow up concert at the beginning of Tuesday's class--the one of Sinead at the Bob Dylan anniversary concert where she's booed off the stage. I'm hoping that Tuesday will be ripe with questions about the performance so I can talk about rhetoric (which I love to talk about) along with getting in a few points about registers, implicit arguments, etc...
In all, I am enjoying the experience of teaching, though I often have moments of doubt and wonder if I'm 'doing this right,' but my heart is definitely into learning through teaching.
On another note, I have made time to write and found that whereas before my schedule was completely jammed with crap and I needed a few hours before I would even attempt to try to think about writing, I just take my half hour windows and do it. We'll see how that pans out...
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